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Entry closes in: 04: 20. 56. 36 Teams: 000
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FF1-2025: How to enter the league James Weedon
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Here we go again!

The new F1 season is nearly upon us and FF1-2025 will soon be open for entries! Remember ties are always resolved in favour of the team that enters first so get your team in early - they can always be changed prior to the season starting.

Logging in to your FF1 account

If you are a previous participant please use the Login page to enter your team. As well as picking your elements, you can change your general account details such as your email address or more importantly your team name! See: here

If you can't remember your password then enter your email address and click the 'Reset' button. You will then be sent a new random password that you can use to login. This can be changed to something more memorable via the team entry form. Passwords are encrypted in our database to protect your privacy.

Account balances

Once logged in you will be able to see the balance of your FF1 account. Most people will have a balance of £0 and then -£5 once you submit your team, but some have existing credit from previous seasons and there are a few black sheep who still owe funds from previous years! Details on how to pay will be emailed to you when the results from Australia are published.
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Got a friend who might be interested?

FF1 is run for family and friends and entry to the league is by invitation only, however as an existing entrant please feel free to pass on details of the league to others who might be interested.

Please note, they will need to quote your name in the 'Referred by' field on their entry form so we don’t delete their entry! Please make sure they know the league is just for fun and is run accordingly.

New FF1 entrants (those who have not entered for a previous league) should use the 'Register' page. See: here.

Best Team Name

As usual there will be a prize for the best team name. Please keep them clean(ish) to avoid offending other entrants!

Lies, damned lies, statistics and Luck Dips!

For those so inclined (or who actually put some thought into picking their team - we know who you are!) the points scores for last year's league can be viewed online. See: here For those that dont, there is a Lucky Dip features to help you 'choose' your team this year!
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More Transfer Windows!

FF1-2025 will feature not one, not two, not even three... but four transfer windows. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to turn your FF1 lemons into front-runners! The dates of the transfer windows are shown on the Calendar page.

Junior entrants

Please let us know if you or 'yours' are Under 16 as if so are eligible to compete within the FF1-junior sub championship. Equally, if you are past junior and are now over sixteen time to 'fess up!

Join us on Facebook. For more comment apply to join the private FF1 Group on Facebook...

2025 Championship Entry - Can we top our record season - 2023?
After a record 2023 entry of 180 teams, 2024 saw a small reduction with 167 entrants. Hopes (as ever!) are high for another field in excess of 150 teams, maybe we can top the 180?

As always feel free to pass the details of the league to friends who you think may enjoy particilpating. Just be sure to let them know its a fun league run by volunteers and get them to put your name as their contact on the team registration form.

Entry fees will be taken once the season gets underway. As soon as the final entry is known FF1 Treasurer Steve will be emailing details of the Prize Structure and how to pay.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support.
FF1-2024 Charity Donation of £730! ... 8th February 2024

Many thanks to the host of FF1-2024 Prize winners who elected to donate some (or all in some cases!!!) of their winnings towards the leagues chosen charity Willen Hospice.

For more information on Willen Hospice and the work they do, see:

Thanks once again for supporting the league - even if you didn't win a prize your entry fee has contributed towards the total.

FF1 Insight - The Rivals Page - One of FF1's better kept secrets!
The Rivals page allows you to pick up to eight teams which you can track your progress against. Once you have picked at least one rival, the Rivals page then displays a graph showing a comparison of your Championship position with those of your rivals.

The system automatically remembers your rivals and will display them when you are logged in to the website, or if you have clicked through on one of the links in the automated results notification emails sent out after each race.

You can see your rivals teams on both the Race Results and Championship pages. Rivals you are beating will be highlighted in green, whilst those that are beating you will be highlighted in red. Your own team will also be more easily identifiable as it uses a reversed charcoal colouring.

So don't delay, visit the Rivals page, pick the teams you want to track your progress against and get tracking!!!

FF1 Race Reports

FF1-2025 is a private non-profit making enterprise. Entry into the league is by invitation only. Privacy Policy. Cookie Policy